The island that stopped in the time of the financial capital, but follow in search of other senses, was the way that I chose to document.
A place that challenge the life based on the consume and leaves us with so little, (just ourselves) and today lives in a silence revolution, that goes against the old hasted flag. Photograph the uncertain and the possibilities between the ocean and the earth is what instigated me in Cuba.
In the history, all Latin America suffered similar proceeds during the history: European colonization, fight for independence in very close dates, military dictatress and liberal influence of United States and Europe. Parallel of this, occurred the process of miscegenation of native people, Africans, Europeans and Asiatic. Uniting cultures and creating new cultural identities in the whole continent.
In a general way, the place where we were born and feel that we belong shapes our viewing of the world. Hardly we question ourselves about the process that instituted this continent and which way will walk. As a part of this continent, I see Cuba how the best representation of the Latinity, with very strong cultural symbols and contrasts similar in a lot of countries of the Latin America. [Official Website ]