A well-known story tells that a young queen turned an entire country into ice. This tale became reality in February 2012 on the shores of Lake of Geneva.
Queen Nature simultaneously revealed two rare phenomena. On the one hand, the temperature remained below the freezing point for fourteen days, which was no longer measured in a quarter of a century. On the other hand, a cold wind from the north-east, the Bise, has blown through most of the cold period while it usually blows rarely more than five days.The air mass sometimes moved at more than eighty kilometers per hour while the thermometers showed minus twelve degrees Celsius.
In the Geneva area, the water displaced by the wind were stranded with destructive determination on jetties, dikes, docks and boats. Tirelessly, the waves exploded in fine droplets that froze in contact with the earth. All that remained under the yoke of the assaults of the lake is dangerously and wonderfully covered with a thick layer of ice.While a frightening cold wave raged in January 2018 in Siberia where several temperatures below sixty degrees were measured, I wanted to return to some very rare images illustrating the beauty that Nature is able to offer thanks cold. [Official Website]