The first way of communication among men began with signs. Gesticulation from a man to another one, doing the first sounds issued by the mouth trying t o express using face.
So the cave signs. With the dream to leave some never-ending messages to the future human beings.Sign is, so, the way through which man communicate. Signs are alphabet letters, graphic representation of a sound. Meaningless alone, but if putted together in a word, they form the moneme, the most simple linguistic unity having a meaning. All the words make the vocabulary of a language, which is composed by a ended number of meaning. The fact that this instrument has an end, an ended number of letters and a precise number of words, has not create a crisis in the human belief to express and communicate the or with the infinity.
“At the beginning was the word, translated Luther“
wrote Paul Klee in his Creative Confession.
A book that has this incipit: “ Art doesn’t repeat the sensitive things, but it shows. The graphic’s essence often brings, correctly, to the abstraction. […] The graphic’s basis elements are: points, linear energies, plans and spaces”. Water’s pathways was my first study trying to reach the hidden harmony in the reality, which start from the first of the three directrix suggested by Klee, the line. The other two are the pure color and the pure chiaroscuro. The pure color runs across the other two. The pure chiaroscuro meets the line. The pure line is, instead, only measure.
The lines are tubes, water ‘s conducts which I used as line to determinate linguistically preeminent signs that determinate the harmonic composition took out from the real and photograph it. That the water is the spring of the life and that from the gored Christ’s side came out water are conceptual arguments that aren’t linked to the researched object and tried to communicate: Harmony.
A concept cannot be based on another one without a link to the artistic creation, as the named conceptual art do. Concepts are expressed with other kind of signs, the words. The artistic creative effort, instead, use graphic signs to express his vision. The hidden harmony photography wants identify the balance permanence in the chaos that surround us. As Peace totem. [Thank to Roberto Mutti and Orietta Bay] [Official Website]