I have been practising photo since 1993, the year when I discovered San Francisco, its tramcars and hip hop culture.
The town appealed to me as much as in my memory of the film Bullit, I’d seen a few years before. Above all, urban graffs engrossed my interest: they meant a lot to me.Back in Paris a bad “guy” named burn-out ingratiated itself into my professional existence. Nothing made sense to me any more. I even pawned my favourite camera ! After months and months of “nothingness”, my horizon opened up again to the beauty of lines, curves, people, in black and white or in colors. And each of my shots made me feel alive again, while my urge to share my experience grew and kept growing. Obviously my project participates of my research of beauty in graphic photo, my quest for a kind of beauty true to life, with its contrasts and fleeting emotions.And I hope my shots will “speak” to you better than my words can do.