Ernst Haas: Rebellion of the canons

Defined by many as the world's early master of color photography, Ernst Haas practiced photography as an artist: impressionist and emotional.


Light and time. These two essential concepts in photography are also fundamental for our being and in our life. Here and now, I feel that the time has come to talk about the time.

AImagine: the new Era of making Art ?

We are experiencing a turning point; indeed, I would say a revolution in the artistic disciplines, especially those relating to visual art; it is the beginning of a new Era in which the current paradigms will no longer be valid, in which reality will be questioned or modified through alternative realities.

The Romantic Photographer

What is a romantic photographer? The romantic photographer is a visual alchemist, an organic perceiver. Someone, who projects his inner being: emotions and experiences outward, through the lens, in search of resonance and congruence in his subject matter

Nikon FM2: A Timeless Classic in Film Photography

The Nikon FM2 is a timeless classic in film photography. Its robust construction, versatile lens mount, and reliable performance have made it a favorite among photographers for over 30 years. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, the FM2 is a camera that will not disappoint.

Don’t look for success, look for happiness

The title of this article I have borrowed by Ferran Adriá. In 2015 I visited a groundbreaking and innovative exhibition in Madrid at the Fundación Telefónica, “Auditing the creative process” by the Catalan master chef.
Nov 15, 2023

The Elephant Man

The acceptance of diversity in our society is still a pending task. There are still corners of society and movements of thought that are unfortunately coming back into vogue, that hypocritically fill their mouths with do-goodism but who still think that “the different ones” are "waste" from our society.

Richard Avedon: The beauty of simplicity

Richard Avedon, member of the Royal American Academy of Arts and Sciences, they say that his portraits helped define the image of beauty, elegance and culture; He was the quintessential fashion photographer and a master portraitist.

Catherine Leroy: Between Vietnam and other warfares

Catherine Leroy was a truly challenging woman. By the 60’s, there were barely women journalists on the war fronts but she dared to land in Vietnam, ready to capture the human side of the War.

Waitography, the photography of waiting

In my previous article “Photography or Promptography” I talked about how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the visual language; how it is making us question axioms that seemed consolidated and how it is causing a schism in the photographic world. In this article I will talk about Waitography, that is, the photography of waiting.
Dodho Magazine accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers from around the world.
Their projects can be published among the best photographers and be viewed by the best professionals in the industry and thousands of photography enthusiasts. Dodho magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted project. Due to the large number of presentations received daily and the need to treat them with the greatest respect and the time necessary for a correct interpretation our average response time is around 5/10 business days in the case of being accepted.
- Between 10/30 images of your best images, in case your project contains a greater number of images which are part of the same indivisible body of work will also be accepted. You must send the images in jpg format to 1200px and 72dpi and quality 9. (No borders or watermarks)
- A short biography along with your photograph. (It must be written in the third person)
- Title and full text of the project with a minimum length of 300 words. (Texts with lesser number of words will not be accepted)
This is the information you need to start preparing your project for its presentation
To send it, you must compress the folder in .ZIP format and use our Wetransfer channel specially dedicated to the reception of works. Links or projects in PDF format will not be accepted. All presentations are carefully reviewed based on their content and final quality of the project or portfolio. If your work is selected for publication in the online version, it will be communicated to you via email and subsequently it will be published.
How can we help? Got an idea or something you'd like share? Please use the adjacent form, or contact [email protected]
Thank You. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Dodho Magazine accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers from around the world.
Their projects can be published among the best photographers and be viewed by the best professionals in the industry and thousands of photography enthusiasts. Dodho magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted project. Due to the large number of presentations received daily and the need to treat them with the greatest respect and the time necessary for a correct interpretation our average response time is around 5/10 business days in the case of being accepted. This is the information you need to start preparing your project for its presentation.
To send it, you must compress the folder in .ZIP format and use our Wetransfer channel specially dedicated to the reception of works. Links or projects in PDF format will not be accepted. All presentations are carefully reviewed based on their content and final quality of the project or portfolio. If your work is selected for publication in the online version, it will be communicated to you via email and subsequently it will be published.
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