Mister X” project is a story of a mysterious character, a composite character of many unrecognized talents, living in free play to one’s imagination. The project’s idea appeared in the summer of 2018 and was developed in a series of photos about the different life character situations. The series will be continued in the autumn of 2019.
I was born in Moscow in 1978. In 1995 I graduated from the economic lyceum, and in 2001 I completed my higher education in Psychology. In 2006 I had started my own business in the IT-field, which allowed me to devote more time to my creative development. Since 1991 I have avidly pursued photography as a hobby, thanks to my uncle, who taught me the photo art basics. Since then it has been my main hobby in addition to psychology and philosophy. I also devote plenty of time to studying the fine art history.
In my creative development I had passed several stages. In the mid-90s, I was passionate about the street photography and the astrophotography, then, after a long interval, I began to shoot the nature and landscapes. It allowed me to improve my exterior shooting skills. Since 2010, I have focused on the portraiture, and in recent years I have come up with the conceptual exterior art photography using the analogue special effects. Since 2014 I completely switched to the analog photography and prefer to shoot with Canon equipment on black-and-white films of Kodak and Rollei. In most cases, my acquaintances and friends act as models for me, for which I am very grateful to them. In recent years, my sister has been playing an active role in my photo project implementation, acting as a model in the most difficult art photography conditions.
I consider my work an interweaving of the photo art and the philosophy. In my opinion the photography is one of the modern means of exposing the thoughts to the artistic images. Each work is my thoughts imprinted, connected by a single idea. My photography history is the formation story of the views on certain life aspects. My main credo is the continuous improvement of creativity, based on competition with oneself. [Official Website]