According to the dictionary, a definition of mother is: mother1
[muhth -er] Noun
1. A woman in relation to her child or children Verb
1.Bring up (a child) with care and affection
2.Give birth to
An existence of family is much more special to me, since I am not able to see them anytime for over 9 years. At the age of 14, I came to America to study abroad. I still remember the moment that me and my parents cried and cried in the hotel after the first week of school. I always waited summer and winter breaks. Because those were the only time that I could meet and spend time with family. Yes, we are the family who are not able to meet us anytime we want. We all had to spend long time to reach very short pleasant moments. I had to say good-bye to my parents with smily face when I could not. After I passed the security booth at the airport, my tears dropped even though I tried not to.
I have spent my juvenile period in totally different county and environment from my family. Therefore, I have intimate relationship with my family, especially with my mother. The relationship between me and my mother is very close compared to others who have similar age with me. My mother is; my most closest person, and my best friend. My mother is; delicate like a little girl, but a strongest and powerful figure in the world. To others, she might be reflected as a very ordinary woman. However, my mother is; a big tree that makes a shadow where I can rest from strong sunlights and harsh thunder storms. When I fall down, she always raise me up. My mother is; my role model who always holds my hands and gives her shoulders to cry on. We are living on the opposite side of the earth. We are living apart 6906 miles away. However, I always feel her and her love.
About Ji Yeon Yu
Ji Yeon Yu is an emerging visual artist from Busan, South Korea and currently lives in Long Island City, New York. She recently received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Photography at Pratt Institute on May 2018. As an emerging artist and photographer, she has exhibited two solo and four group exhibitions in New York. Her biggest inspiration is her family, who always give love and support. Since she has studied abroad from 14- year-old, her bonding and intimacy with family are much stronger than others who have similar age with her. She tries to approach herself to record her mundane and ordinary moments that anyone can experience, and expresses in a different way. She always pushes herself to achieve her best on both in photography and fine arts. [Official Website]