The key is to photograph your obsessions; whether that’s old people’s hands or skyscrapers. Think of a blank canvas, because that’s what you’ve got, and then think about what you want to see – not anyone else.
– David LaChapelle-
Olivier Valsecchi uses photography as a medium to incarnate the emotions of his psyché. His first series “Dust” (2009) earned him international acclaim, Hasselblad Masters Award – Fine Art category in 2012 as well as many exhibitions around the world. Over the years, Valsecchi has developed a unique and soulful take on the human form and is now considered one of the most notable new representatives of contemporary nude photography. The beauty and expressiveness of the human body is magnetic in his mystical and spiritual compositions. His works center around the themes of cycles, birth, death, rebirth.
Julia Fullerton-Batten is a fine-art photographer renowned for her highly cinematic visual story-telling. Her large-scale projects are based around specific themes. Each image in the project embellishes her subject matter in a series of thought-provoking narrative ‘stories’ using staged tableaux and sophisticated lighting techniques. Her fine-art work is globally renowned and exhibited. She has won countless awards worldwide, is frequently portrayed in photographic journals, has published two books, is a Hasselblad Ambassador and a frequent speaker at international workshops and a juror of international competitions.
Since 2016 she is director of marketing and responsible for content. She began her career at an early age in the world of image and design. Involved in the constant pursuit of talent she is responsible for the Dodho Magazine success.With a gift and experience more than proven in her field, she maintains relations with the best agencies and publishers to promote the photographers careers published in Dodho. Maria’s current relationship with photography includes design and contribution to online and print publications, jurying of competitions and consulting.
With photography, you zero in; you put a lot of energy into short moments, and then you go on to the next thing.
– Robert Mapplethorpe-
All participants to Nude Awards 2022, by virtue of their presentation, believing the images and projects presented are their own work and there has been no infringement of copyright. Dodho is not responsible for any infringement of rights may arise during the selection process and subsequent display of any image. The entrant is responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of the photograph, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the exhibition and use of the photograph. The projects will be judged by a professional and relevant jury in the photography field, with no flare and none of the author data. The jury’s decision will not be appealable and will be definitive.
The images copyright will be exclusively and at all times of the photographer and author of the image. The images will use strictly in relation to the Dodho prizes and will not be used for other purposes than the direct promotion of their authors. The images may not be used in any case by any third party without the express consent of the author and by written request, which will be sent to the author by email. Dodho is granted the right to publish the best works received in its online version and subsequent promotion in its social networks, always safeguarding authorship and copyright.