An image may be a reconstructed memory based on the photographer’s experience. Through my project entitled ‘On Changes’, I am recounting different stories based on memories and experiences from my recent past, considering the significance of the contemporary time that we are living in.
As we grow up, conscious thoughts, perceptions and feelings are created. I have tried to express them as unprecedented sentiments through the reconstruction of moments that have or have had special meaning to me.These moments represent experiences, memories and even deeper thoughts equally hauled from the conscious and the unconscious, and, space serves – sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively – the narrative of those moments. Memory is perhaps the most important element of human existence. The present goes by so quickly that we fail to realize it, therefore all our life consists of a farrago of memories, which determine who we are. Memory acts as a reminder of our existence. Art and photography have always been deeply connected with the memory. A photographic picture, has the ability to remain intact through the passage of time, unlike memory, which is fragile and deteriorating. I tried to exploit this particularity that photography has by reproducing my own memories in a way that can keep them forever indelible. I am not interested in the exact reproduction of reality, nor the original development of the story, but rather making a new story and trying to recreate the feelings of my own experiences and hoping for the viewers to reflect their emotions and interpretations. [Official Website]