Barbara was a famous French singer who died about ten years ago. Her very evocative and poetic lyrics are still very successful all over the world.
One of her most famous songs is called “il pleut sur Nantes”. It is a very melancholy song which tells the story of the late reunion between a father and his daughter. I happen to live in Nantes in the west of France, it’s a very pretty city known for its somewhat humid climate. One day I was wandering around in the rain and I thought I’d pay a little tribute to Barbara in my own way.
That’s how this series started. The rainy days are finally very photogenic, the wet cobblestones gain in nuances, and the passers-by who wander under the rain pay little attention to the photographer with a discreet camera. I started this project with a fuji XE1 and I’m continuing it with its big brother the XE3. This style of camera is perfect for street photography, it doesn’t attract attention, it is possible to hold it with one hand, which is handy when you have to hold an umbrella with your other hand. Another advantage with rainy weather is that no one lingers in the rain, which allows you to get graphics framing in places that seem deserted.
Often I spot the place first and position myself. It happened to me having spotted a precise frame then to remain the viewfinder glued to the eye several minutes, waiting for an “event”. This is how I captured this monastic silhouette moving in long strides under the ogival windows of a chapel. Or I pass a passer-by who inspires me, and I follow him for a few moments while watching for a favourable context. In spite of everything I usually come back empty-handed from my walks, it is not very important. I always take a lot of pleasure in walking on the wet cobblestones of my city with my eye on the lookout and a camera in my pocket, and that is the main thing.
About Philippe Marchand
Philippe Marchand was born in 1961, a self-taught photographer. He lives in Nantes in the West of France. He collaborates with many advertising and illustration agencies where his Photographs contribute to the promotion of renowned brands.He also develops personal work in the form of series.His aesthetic approach, the technical constraints that he imposes on himself contributes to the creation of a unique photographic universe, and resolutely personal.His award-winning work is regularly published in the international press. [Official Website]