The Sideshow by Francisco Diaz and Deb Young

The Sideshow is the unique new series from The International Collaboration Project duo Deb Young of New Zealand and Francisco Diaz of the United States. Diaz and Young designed their new series to usher the viewer into a fictitious seaside carnival.
Francisco Diaz and Deb Young


Our printed editions, circulating throughout various galleries, festivals and agencies are dipped in creativity.

The spirit of DODHO’s printed edition is first and foremost an opportunity to connect with a photographic audience that values the beauty of print and those photographers exhibited within the pages of this magazine.

We invite professional and amateur photographers from all around the world to share their work in our printed edition.

“We’re not mere spectators, or a cosmic accident, or some sideshow, or the Greek chorus to the main event. The human experience IS the main event.”

-Terence McKenna-

The Sideshow is the unique new series from The International Collaboration Project duo Deb Young of New Zealand and Francisco Diaz of the United States. Diaz and Young designed their new series to usher the viewer into a fictitious seaside carnival.

Here, the notion of the sideshow becomes a metaphor for the human condition. We view ourselves bathed in the amusement park experience – consumption, excitation, fun and desire are the driving motivations – as storm clouds threaten on the horizon. The persistent presence of those storm clouds in this new work, hint at a world that is under threat while we play and ignore the potential peril we are witness to.

With that in mind, The Sideshow places the viewer squarely in the action and also offers the photographic form some new ideas. Diaz and Young have been experimenting with flashback and flash forward, cinematic devices which prompt further engagement with the viewer and the narrative. This technique of depicting flashback and flash forward posits that each image in these groupings can work both together and as separate entities. Labeling these groupings chunks, these chunks can also be shifted to create different interpretations. Time therefore, in The Sideshow, is shown to be flexible, not simply sequential – much like memory recall of an exciting experience.

An additional note is that some of the inhabitants of The Sideshow seem to be aware that they are being watched. They gaze at the viewer, breaking the fourth wall in a visual connection that pulls the viewer in and states we are all a part of this carnival. 

Welcome to the Side Show

Diaz and Young’s series suggests that “… what we call reality is in fact nothing more than a culturally sanctioned and linguistically reinforced hallucination.”

-Terence McKenna-

Corn Dogs

About Francisco Diaz and Deb Young

Artists Francisco Diaz and Deb Young are the creators of the International Collaboration Project, a digital photographic collaboration positioning them as pioneers in this arena. Working over 8,800 miles apart, Diaz (USA) and Young (New Zealand) combine their candid photomontages into series of reality-bending narratives. The themes of their work often have an underlying lo-fi sensibility, exploring both childlike wonder and imagination, as well as intense adult stories with darker twists.

Exhibitions include Z Gallery Arts in Vancouver, BC, Gilman Contemporary in Ketchum, Idaho, the Center for Fine Art Photography in Ft. Collins, Colorado, the Kolga Awards in Tbilisi, Georgia, The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts in Tampa, FL and the Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA. [Official Website]

Rat A Tat

Rat A Tat Flashforward

Danish Delight


Four Seagulls and a Balloon

The Gaze

Light Bite

The Mirrors

Mr Bikkie

Wonder Bar



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Dodho Magazine accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers from around the world.
Their projects can be published among the best photographers and be viewed by the best professionals in the industry and thousands of photography enthusiasts. Dodho magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted project. Due to the large number of presentations received daily and the need to treat them with the greatest respect and the time necessary for a correct interpretation our average response time is around 5/10 business days in the case of being accepted.
- Between 10/30 images of your best images, in case your project contains a greater number of images which are part of the same indivisible body of work will also be accepted. You must send the images in jpg format to 1200px and 72dpi and quality 9. (No borders or watermarks)
- A short biography along with your photograph. (It must be written in the third person)
- Title and full text of the project with a minimum length of 300 words. (Texts with lesser number of words will not be accepted)
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To send it, you must compress the folder in .ZIP format and use our Wetransfer channel specially dedicated to the reception of works. Links or projects in PDF format will not be accepted. All presentations are carefully reviewed based on their content and final quality of the project or portfolio. If your work is selected for publication in the online version, it will be communicated to you via email and subsequently it will be published.
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Dodho Magazine accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers from around the world.
Their projects can be published among the best photographers and be viewed by the best professionals in the industry and thousands of photography enthusiasts. Dodho magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted project. Due to the large number of presentations received daily and the need to treat them with the greatest respect and the time necessary for a correct interpretation our average response time is around 5/10 business days in the case of being accepted. This is the information you need to start preparing your project for its presentation.
To send it, you must compress the folder in .ZIP format and use our Wetransfer channel specially dedicated to the reception of works. Links or projects in PDF format will not be accepted. All presentations are carefully reviewed based on their content and final quality of the project or portfolio. If your work is selected for publication in the online version, it will be communicated to you via email and subsequently it will be published.
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