Day in day out my eyes and my mind are on the look out. The street is my stage. The challenge is to put the props into order. In a few secs I figure out the script and the casting. Now and then it takes much more time but, never mind, I stop only when fully satisfied.
My interest lies in showing how familiar scenes fit harmoniously in different urban ladscapes. Beside the pleasure I derive from them, my shots may be a testimony on contemporary urban scenery. I like symmetry, the purity of lines, synonymous of stability, from my point of view. And I feel like showing how the most banal « décor » may be sublime ar heart.
It may sound vain, but if vanity means instilling madness, anger, emotions and tenderness, in different atmospheric surroundings, then I am vain. My dedication to photography makes me somewhat self- centered, but I do know that without my girlfriend´s patience and sharp eyes, without her by my side, I would be half myself !
In this portfolio, I want a show that humans have an important place, they highlight the place and leave room for the imagination. Depending on the rendering and the atmosphere that emerges, everyone can appropriate the photo and make his own story. This becomes a testimony to human success, but also to the clues and the vulnerability of the human race.