I’m a self-taught photographer, originally coming from Russia.
I’m not a great talker, so trying to explain and express the way I see the world around me through the lens. Photography for me is a unique type of art.
Having a camera in your hands is like having a piece of plaster, mud or cement in your hands. Ideas, visions in your head and a tool in your hands – when they all collide – photography happens.I really love what I’m doing or what I’m trying to do. It’s my antidepressant. It keeps my head clear, gives me the ability to imagine and helps me to create my own reality …When I have time on my hands, thoughts on my mind, I just bring them together and see what may come out of it. A bit of a play with your imagination. We are surrounded by beautiful things and creatures, indeed. They are like magnets, beauty attracts beauty and together they create an ensemble. ”