Albinism; Without colors by Antoine Janot

In Senegal, 95% of People Living with Albinism die before the age of 30 because of skin cancer. A vast majority of these people are illiterate and forced into begging because of the discrimination and persecution they suffer from.


Our printed editions, circulating throughout various galleries, festivals and agencies are dipped in creativity.

The spirit of DODHO’s printed edition is first and foremost an opportunity to connect with a photographic audience that values the beauty of print and those photographers exhibited within the pages of this magazine.

We invite professional and amateur photographers from all around the world to share their work in our printed edition.

These pictures were taken during the 2019 edition of World Albinism Day at the United Nations Information Center in Dakar.

In Senegal, 95% of People Living with Albinism die before the age of 30 because of skin cancer. A vast majority of these people are illiterate and forced into begging because of the discrimination and persecution they suffer from.

In West Africa, it is a traditional belief that having sexual intercourse with an albino can cure AIDS. Many People Living with Albinism are even mutilated and killed, as having a hand of theirs is believed to bring good luck.

About Antoine Janot

Born in 1988, Antoine Janot is a multidisciplinary artist from Paris. After graduating as an audiovisual technician in 2010, he deepened his cinematic studies with a masters degree in Cinema at the University of La Sorbonne. He co-produced an independent documentary (The Sleep of the Crowd, 2013) and directed several experimental short films, including Electrical Bodies (2019), The Fog People (2016), which has been selected in various festivals around the world and won the Best experimental film at the Bucharest Short Film Festival, as well as Lullaby for 17 Skyscrapers, 192 Buildings and 13,851 Inhabitants (2016), which has been broadcasted on french television. He is currently working on his first fiction feature film, La Marche funèbre, a social drama produced by Les Valseurs.   

Antoine’s versatile practice combines photography, painting and writing. His photographic series include The house with no address, which portrays homeless people’s attempt to create a sense of privacy in public spaces, and The Colors of Time, presenting abstract compositions that appeared on tombstones over time. His most recent series, Without colors, presents the daily struggle of people living with albinism in West Africa. Antoine’s work has been exhibited in various art galleries around Europe and America.  

He published an essay, Has cinema gone silent? (l’Harmattan, 2014), various novels (Le Goûteur, Abatos, 2016 ; Le croque-neige, l’Harmattan, 2017) as well as two poetry anthologies (Outdoor & indoor poetry, Maïa, 2020 and Short Stories, Les  impliqués, 2017). In the last three years, he has also co-founded two NGOs: Les Hôtels Solidaires which distributes food and sanitary products to the needy, and was awarded Paris’ town hall’s Social Economy prize in 2019, as well as the international NGO NOW which aims to empower oppressed minorities around the world. 

Other Stories

Dodho Magazine accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers from around the world.
Their projects can be published among the best photographers and be viewed by the best professionals in the industry and thousands of photography enthusiasts. Dodho magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted project. Due to the large number of presentations received daily and the need to treat them with the greatest respect and the time necessary for a correct interpretation our average response time is around 5/10 business days in the case of being accepted.
- Between 10/30 images of your best images, in case your project contains a greater number of images which are part of the same indivisible body of work will also be accepted. You must send the images in jpg format to 1200px and 72dpi and quality 9. (No borders or watermarks)
- A short biography along with your photograph. (It must be written in the third person)
- Title and full text of the project with a minimum length of 300 words. (Texts with lesser number of words will not be accepted)
This is the information you need to start preparing your project for its presentation
To send it, you must compress the folder in .ZIP format and use our Wetransfer channel specially dedicated to the reception of works. Links or projects in PDF format will not be accepted. All presentations are carefully reviewed based on their content and final quality of the project or portfolio. If your work is selected for publication in the online version, it will be communicated to you via email and subsequently it will be published.
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Dodho Magazine accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers from around the world.
Their projects can be published among the best photographers and be viewed by the best professionals in the industry and thousands of photography enthusiasts. Dodho magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted project. Due to the large number of presentations received daily and the need to treat them with the greatest respect and the time necessary for a correct interpretation our average response time is around 5/10 business days in the case of being accepted. This is the information you need to start preparing your project for its presentation.
To send it, you must compress the folder in .ZIP format and use our Wetransfer channel specially dedicated to the reception of works. Links or projects in PDF format will not be accepted. All presentations are carefully reviewed based on their content and final quality of the project or portfolio. If your work is selected for publication in the online version, it will be communicated to you via email and subsequently it will be published.
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