The everyday life of ordinary people; Workers by Krizsai Andrea

I’m also working on a photo reportage about evictions which are going on now in Hungary because of the bank loans. I’m especially interested in social topics. With this series of photographs ‘’Working class’’ I want to show people in their working environment.


Our printed editions, circulating throughout various galleries, festivals and agencies are dipped in creativity.

The spirit of DODHO’s printed edition is first and foremost an opportunity to connect with a photographic audience that values the beauty of print and those photographers exhibited within the pages of this magazine.

We invite professional and amateur photographers from all around the world to share their work in our printed edition.

My name is Krizsai Andrea. I’m a Hungarian photographer based in Berlin, Germany at the moment. I capture the everyday life of ordinary people on the street.

I’m also working on a photo reportage about evictions which are going on now in Hungary because of the bank loans. I’m especially interested in social topics. With this series of photographs ‘’Working class’’ I want to show people in their working environment. When the alarm rings at the certain time, we put on or workings shoes and welcome a new day. Maybe we’ll go with a smile on our faces, or maybe we are already counting hours when we’ll be home again. What is that resistance that’s keeping us from doing what we really want to do in our lives? It is the fear. The fear of taking the risk of going in to unknown direction, fear of letting go of our old habits, our companions who made us secured in some way.

Sometimes we envy the ones who knew exactly what they wanted to do since their childhood and ones who had the courage to change their lives. Maybe we should dig deep inside and ask our inner child. But for what are we actually working for? In our society money brings food on our tables, provides us shelter, gives power and status and buys freedom and happiness. So, we work hard for it, and try to make our best of it, every single day. Thousands of hellos and goodbyes, millions of polite smiles, hundreds of thousands meals prepared, hundreds of lives saved, sleepless nights over the empty canvas, long night shifts, thousands of tears along with thousands of magical moments. And days easily turn into years, and some of us realize that the temporally job turned into a lifetime ones. In the end we ask ourselves: ‘’were we happy? Are we happy now?’’ It’s not easy to escape from the figure we see in the mirror each morning. But the wonderful truth is, it’s never too late for changes. [Official Website]


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  • aurora

    Nov 1, 2013 at 23:31

    Nice pictures and interesting concept. I totally agree with this point of view of life and work.

  • Mario

    Nov 2, 2013 at 00:20

    Most of regular human life is based on fear provided by parents, peers, other people of society. Fear of achieving full potential that is hidden in each of us, which is provided to us and is on a grasp of a hand which tries to provide us full guidance and protection. Our free will is the one single thing that separate humans from happiness and direction we should take. Why? It is misused and directed in wrong direction leading either to strong connection to ground and separation from our soul family or to ego development and separation from our fellow human beings. Those who tap into inner wisdom manage to greet following day and random human beings wandering around knowing that there is actually no separation which is just another type of illusion, i.e. fear of accepting who we really are. It is always great to see examples of people who “struggle” under society rules, limitations, boundaries, etc. and still find that balance inside that we have forgotten long time ago and smile to a stranger, street photographer, customer, or just some random person on a street.

  • Endre

    Nov 2, 2013 at 23:08

    very nice pictures! i also like the idea behind.

  • Joax

    Nov 3, 2013 at 21:56

    Different vision. It has magic. I like it

  • Ερρικος

    Nov 5, 2013 at 13:41

    “work for living and not live for working”
    but i have to say that some high-positioned employees in big companies doesn’t live better than a lower worker,who goes without stress at home.
    We do and we have what we think that we are,do,will,can…
    Of course the money goes to money sometimes and the education is not for everyone.
    Fortunately,here in Berlin is kinda for everyone and that is good.
    Nice text although,keep on.

  • ELİF

    Nov 18, 2013 at 10:33

    It’s unbelievible that each of us has beliefs through our lives, we believe in ourselves that we are doing some stuff good, we are bad in some, we know what are we capable in and made our decisions through that, have an own life and so. It’s a miracle that if a person knows what he/she is good at and have strenght to work on more and try to make it better. Those who search for all their lives what they wanted to do, learn so many things in life while searcing the best for them. It’s in both ways developing vision of the person. But what does it mean, if you go to your lovely work from waking up in streets? And do you want your shift to end when you come back to streets as ‘home’ ?
    In our daily routine we don’t think so much about how people are doing ,what are their concerns about life..In this matter of case Krizsai Andrea’s new work about Lost property is a valuable study about people, were like us someday and doesn’t have concerns about life like we don’t have much right now..

  • Janssens serge

    Jan 4, 2014 at 12:43

    Krizai Andréaa’s à bien modeler son sujet ,très éclectique et sans fioritures ,concis mais complet .mes félicitation pour ton travail Krizai ! Serge

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