Blur has a great importance in my photographic work. When a reflection appears, when distorting or transparent material interferes between me and my subject, I deeply enjoy seeing my subject’s new appearance.
Something different from rational reality presents itself to me. This vision is all the more striking as realism and sharpness are usually the first characteristics of photography. I love blur, its softness, its poetry, its openness, the freedom it gives to the viewer.
I use physical filters such as coated glass with various texture and opacity materials to create blurriness and distortion. Following pictorialist and impressionist lineage, I am looking for modern painting style through my photographics work. Feeling and emotion take precedence over the subject’s precise depiction.
The outline becomes less important. Colors and their nuances, gradations, depth and luminosity come to be the foremost features of my pictures. The filter’s analog texture itself is also a key component, creating its own blurry lines and shapes. The layering opens a door to an alternate reality where the filter is somehow the artist’s vague memory.
About Anne-Claire Vimal du Monteil
Anne-Claire Vimal du Monteil has been living in Montreal for the past 11 years. She worked in culture and cinema in Paris and then chose to become a high end retoucher and commercial photographer 13 years ago. In 2016, she transitioned to fine art photography and developed her research with different techniques and expressions within the medium. [Official Website]