I first met the lovely designer Anvita Sharma, from Two Point Two, the day after her show at London Fashion Week. We clicked immediately and wanted to work together as well as with Barnes Twins.
The only problem was that she was flying back home to India in two days. I called my friend and we managed to organise everything in one day. As It was hard as she was fully booked, she managed to squeeze me in between clients and find another friend, Chloe to do the hair. Everybody was willing to put in so much effort just to help me and I really appreciate that. I´m also very grateful for all the friends and people in my life.
Beautiful poems are by my talented friend Guðfinna, who I met through social media when she was looking for a photographer in Ashford. We got on very well and have developed a friendship. We like to go for a coffee and chat every now and again. I love her poems which resonate with me. I also find that they fit my photos very well and add to their effect. [Official Website]
look them in the eyes
their lips are sealed
all secrets are safe
whisper it softly but only once
once is enough
for there is more than meets the eye
their lips are sealed
they hear
pale body
giving orders
proudly presenting offsprings of love
love that went wrong
love of silence
love of resemblance
resemblance of somebody else
some body
one but two
two of a kind
kind of gentle
gentle breeze
breeze in their hair
here for now
now and then
then lost
lost in time
time is one
one but two
breaking away
stepping stone
holding on
scratching forbidden
soft mouth
covered with cotton
cheeks without glow
faded freckles
inside – no escape
I´m thinking about it
Can you tell
I worry about it
Do you
I don´t have the answer
You do
I know you do
You always do
I´m so tired
Are you
Will you wake me up
Will you
It´s mother earth
Growing – growing -growing
At the speed of light
Reaching out
Going wild
Destroying the quiet symmetry
Listen, trooper
Don´t believe everything you see
You have strength
Chase it
Seize it
Your gigantic leaps are one of a kind
Leaps of faith…
Can you imagine me as you
Can you pick up my pulse and make it yours
Can you finish my next
Can you replace me when I´m gone
Is it a thin line we´re treading on
I´m you
Water and all the love there is
Yet light is required
Dim clouds pushed away
Stepping out but in to the horizon
No limits
The travelling companion sighs
Both growing into something beautiful
Smitten by your beauty
Sensitive tone
Vibrant laughter
Shared vision
Illusive yet catchy
Remember the old joke
About three men on a plane…
Never mind your parachute is big enough for both of us
I´m echoing that joyous moment
Tears in my eyes
Your happy tears