“Geneva reminiscences” project brings re-photography technique to a higher level.
This unique series merges 160 years of history within one single image. Like normal “before/after” projects, the goal is to start from historical views of Geneva, Switzerland, retrieve the exact original point and take the actual picture. “Geneva reminiscence” project pushes the limits in terms of complexity as we start from the very first photographs of Geneva taken between 1850 and 1870. The city faced significant changes during this long period and retrieving the original shooting point was sometimes very tricky.
The second outstanding aspect of this project is the rendering as I merge both before and after images within one single view : the reminiscence. This very detailed work is done on very high resolution photographs (20-30M pixels) at pixel level which gives this unique seamless aspect, merging black and white from the past and colors from present day. A dedicated web site has been created and new reminiscences are published on regular basis. [Official Website]