“Design is not always immediately perceived, nor is it meant to be fully understood. Design is not entirely definable even though the mind insists that it should be. Rather, design prefers the euphoria of epiphany and the steadfastness of growth. Revealed to consciousness through attachments and correspondences, design prefers to perpetuate an understanding between the seen and the unseen, between spirit and matter.”
Carl Garant, ‘The Tao of Design
Design is the first signal of human intention. Architectural design is a prime example of tangible and intangible connections between matter and spirit. The title of the series is a reference to Arthur Koestler’s seminal book and his concept of holons – something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. This fractal like relationship of architectonic elements is meaningful in different levels of scale and perspective such as “in and out”, “up and down”, or “made up of, and make up”. A single detail of a structure can include within it the essence of the whole building – the “ghost in the shell”. This collection consists of works from the EXPO Milano 2015 pavilions. More architectural series from EXPO Milano can be found here: http://www.pygmalionkaratzas.com/expomilano and a hard cover book print here: http://www.blurb.com/b/7112899-expo-2015-milano
Images from this project have received honorable mentions at the IPA, ‘Best Picture of the Year’ from Interior Design Magazine, and finalist at SIPA. The Danish Architecture Center and arcspace.com where the affiliated media organisations.