I‘M FREE …?, of all border interpellative border areas is undoubtedly one of the fundamental and defining questions of our status as beings that we are part of a community and what is more evident is that when formulating this question the answers are quite varied and tendentious already that the society where we live suffers from dysfunctionalities of asymmetry, reciprocity and transversality and that due to the lack of derived pluridiversity causes rules with a universal character but limiting what we formulated at first and that masked what would perhaps be so easy to understand how it is the fact that in a world between equals, my way of doing ends where it interferes with that of someone else.
Something more than 100 years ago, in an open area between the urban extension city, Sants and Les Corts was built in Barcelona a penitentiary center which was called “the Model” since it was formulated at the beginning of the 20th century with a reference center for to promote the social reintegration of those who had been sentenced with sentences of lack of freedom.
With the passage of time and social desvenirs, society today became aware of the fact that the role of “the Model” was far from that for which its promoters had conceived it and today it is a prisoner of its destiny that is debated between its demolition to be erased as a mark of a social memory or to promote precisely what was conceived and to reinsert it into the mature society so that the experiences of what happened there are not erased from the memory of the collective and serve as a sample of what should be avoided.