We are guided by the forces that don’t have any conscious control to them, We will know our identity by the others And we can’t be achieve full self-consciousness and little by little convert to the single and unidentified creatures.
This unidentified is one of the fruits of modern life as it can be make a series of the turbulence and import the person to “the others” and isolate. The modern life can be convert the person to decomposed creature, but he don’t have any choice Except refuge to the consume world and use the things that made by this time for quietness. But it really was full of the Desires that want the contemporary human?! He had been born to explore many meaning and He was filled with enthusiasm but he involve to the unidentified and the others sinkhole and now he don’t have any way for the rescue. But it really was full of the Desires that he wanted?!
“The lost ones” series try to Design issue such as : we should revise to our view and we shouldn’t let “ the others” till dominate our identity , can be flip to the people. [Official Website]
One comment
janssens serge
Nov 20, 2013 at 16:28
Les grands maître du surréalisme sont a mes yeux ,des anarchistes plein de sagesse ,des visionnaires en quelque sorte . Et je remarque depuis un certains temps de nombreux artistes allez vers ce style d’art !!!! serait ce un signe du mal être de notre société ? Sur cela Samad je te félicite pour ton travail et si mon interrogation est dans le bon , tu compte un adepte de plus qui pense comme toi ! Serge Janssens
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