The photographs of David James are known thanks to its artistic and journalistic skills. At age 16 he started his expertise in photography and has since toured over 60 countries with the sole obsession of capturing images of the natural world fascinating.
It also lover of the various expressions of human life, which has led him to publish over 400 photo shoots in magazines like Traveler, GEO, National Geographic Travel, Travel, Travelers or Lonely Planet, among many others. Her photos illustrate mumerosos large format books. He has exhibited at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid and has conducted photographic and video work for the European Union. He has taught in Fotonature and in the cycle: One year of photography. Belongs to and
Today continues its collaborations in publishing and worked for the Ministry of Environment through TRAGSA, where his photographs illustrated books, posters, exhibitions, audiovisual and interpretive centers. Among the most prominent interpretation centers are the National Park of the Picos de Europa National Park Ordesa National Park, Coldstream, AltoTajoNaturalPark (Corduente centers, Zaorejas, Czech and Orea), River Natural Park Dulce (Mandayona), Parque Municipal de La Mitjana (Lleida) and NaturalMonument of the Birth of the CrowRiver (Basin).
He is the author of the books: ‘Los ríos de España’, El Parque Natural del Alto Tajo en imágenes’ and ‘Foto a Foto 05’. Work with several photo agencies Fototeca 9X12, Biosphoto, Sea Pics, Aurora Photo, Westend61, MANBOS and collaborates with NGOs such as WWF / Adena and Habitat CBD. [Official Website]