The photographs should show the transience oft the flowers and in this transience the new structures, colours and forms oft the petals up to the roots.
For this purpose the flowering tulips were deliberately no longer poured and placed in darkness. The gradual drying oft he plants changed the colours and structures oft he petals again and again. Dropped leaves were not replaced, so that each plant was given a typical appearance. After drying, the plants were carefully removed from the potting soil to photograph the whole plant and details.
About Heiko Römisch
I first came into contact with and became interested in photography at 12-13 years with my father’s Agfa Box. In 1969 I purchased my first SLR camera after completing my engineering degree. In the following years I increased my photographic knowledge through self-learning. In 2000 I became a member of a photo club in Hamburg and a member of the DVF (German Photography Association). In 2002 I took part in an international photo competition under FIAP-Patronage for the first time.
In the years 2003-2016 several of my photos were published in German photography magazines, catalogs and calendar and I had also several photo exhibitions.In the following years I received many international accreditations and AWARDS at these photo competitions. In 2006 the transition from analogue to digital photography was made. I was awarded the EFIAP in 2010 and subsequently the EFIAP/Bronce in 2011, the EFIAP/Silver in 2012, the EFIAP/Gold in 2013 and the EFIAP/Platin in 2014 from the Federation International Art of Photography.
In 2014 I was appointed in the ÖGPh (Austria Association for Photography). Since 2011 I am member of PSA (Photographic Society of America) and 2015 I have got the honorary title MPSA (Master of PSA). The GPSA (Gold-PSA) I got in 2017 for my Portfolio “The interior architecture of “Kontorhouses” of twenty works. So far there are only 4 photographers in Europe who are allowed to use this honorary title of PSA. In Sept. 2017 the title “Photographer of the year 2017” I got from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, Germany. My enthusiasm for photography is unabated and my genre was and is wide. In the shorter past my preferred direction was to make conceptual photography. [Official Website]