Born and raised in Northern Ireland, my photography has been inspired by nature, wild animals and my love of the outdoors. More recently, I am driven to help protect our wildlife and wild places – driven to make images that connect viewers with nature, understand them and become inclined to take action.
I feel my best work is achieved by going the extra mile, looking at wildlife from a different perspective and not following the crowd. My photography has matured over the years and gone are the days of impromptu shooting taking thousands of images in a single day. I have become much more deliberate and focused on making different images. It is a hard road to follow, missing many good shots in the pursuit of the image I have planned. Over time my approach pays off but it has meant less adrenalin filled improvisation, instead, it is the relentless, sometimes stubborn pursuit of a single image.
My definition of success has also matured, I am troubled so deeply by our eroding wild spaces that I feel my work must do something to help draw attention to the issues. In my early years of wildlife photography I had the arrogance to think that this wildlife would be there forever and that my photography was somehow the most important outcome. The welfare, protection and fight to save these animals now drives me not only to look for great subjects, unique images but also important stories. I hope my work raises awareness and helps us all to make better decisions for the planet. [Official Website]